Ubuntu Mint Mate 22.2 for home and games (windows)
Released: 2017 Version:  rel22.

3 Releases
Based on Mint 18 and Ubuntu 16.04 by Canonical incl. recommended updates, and test MX-Linux 16 release
Official site Ubuntu: Ubuntu.com Linuxmint.com
Group of repack: vk.com/mate_desktop (information and discussion)
Language: English/ Multilanguage
System requirements:
CPU: Minimum 1.4Ghz Intel or AMD
RAM: At least 1.5Gb ram, recommended 3gb+ for games and no-swap
Clean system uses 390Mb ram.
HDD: At least 12Gb, recommended - 30gb+ drives formatted as ext4fs or btrfs for speed reason
Good and safe using with SSD.
Please don't use updates after install

Main Updated components
+Mesa 17
+Wine 2
+Linux Kernel 4.9.4
+Firefox 50

About System:
Operating system based on Mint, with desktop enviroment MATE 1.6 good and simple in use,
and wine with some preinstalled wineprefixes allows run numerous of windows games 'out of box'.
Of course it can run all game or app which can be run on *buntu or Mint or Debian.
**And even can run Playstation 2 game if install PCSX2.
System created for me and for friends to simplify installing or changing OS. After install in most case you
requires install only videocard driver. (except Intel video)
And of course: As in any linux, you get immunity for all types of viruses.

System doesn't include cracked programs or programs with serials.

How you can use this distro:
1) Home and office computer 
2) See audio and video and movies
3) Simple audio and video editing, Photo editing.
4) Games: High chances to simple run your game includes of course run both Steam Windows or Steam Linux.
5) Rescue disc allow you save your files from damaged or infected PC (with full multimedia support)
6) Creating audio and video podcasts
7) Fast and safe internet surfing of course

Mint 18 is LTS release.  Ubuntu 16.04 is LTS
Long term support - is able to update 5 years after release.
You of course can use updates release after lts support end just simple add new repository sources.
If you don't need updates you can ignore this.
Updating for 17.x not required. You already get all necessary new components.

You cannot use this linux release for:
DirectX10-12  work in progress. Support layer can be added later in 2017.
.NET 4.x programs
Old 32bit computers with age 12years+
UEFI Secure boot. (Use Legacy mode).

You can write ISO image on flash by any program:
For Linux i recommend Rosa image writer
For Windows i recommend UltraISO
For UEFI i recommend try Rufus. But this release not support UEFI. It's planned later.

My channel with help and launch games

Some videos with russian language, English language marked as EN.

For nomal Installing please SET INCLUDE USER DATA AND PROFILES when done installation process. (if you see this option in installer) . Ubuntu 16.04 version automatically apply this profile, ubuntu users can skip this option.

Sample: YouTube: bX2cupq0xwU


i dont understand or howto switch to english
this release must change language to english to normal use.   Just run  program (alt-f2) enter  "mintlocale" after install and change all positions it to en(GB)
if this is too hard - sorry , you can only download official Linux mint without all updates

Newest versions can be found here on forum

For SSD users - check Trim support
sudo hdparm -I /dev/sdX | grep -i trim
Line like this "* Data Set Management TRIM supported (limit 16 block)" signs about succesful work trim

For NVIDIA users
You need videodriver for 3D acceleration (Games) and HD movies (works faster), and Flash acceleration.
If you don't need this you can ignore driver installing and can use default videodriver MESA.(automatically)

GTX 300x-1080x can use any driver newest than 340 from Synaptic. 370 is recommended.
GTX 8800-280 can use 304 driver. some of this can use 331 driver (from Synaptic).

For AMD users
You need videodriver for 3D acceleration (Games)
If you don't need this you can ignore driver installing and can use default videodriver MESA.(automatically)

GCN 1.0... GCN 1.2 users - AMDGPU-pro driver released in newest Linux Kernel 4.9 and new mesa
You must manually install this.

Why for AMD Radeon 1xxx...7xxx best use preinstalled Mesa driver?
Radeon 5xxx-8xxx can use FGLRX driver from synaptic (catalyst), but your Kernel version must be 3.13
newest kernels AMD not support.  3.13 is very OLD kernel. Many devices cannot work with this kernel.
Using old radeon videocard not supported by amd and not recommended for Linux (you can get bad experience with this).



Popularising linux as home system, creating home repack for games, and home using with modified win32 support.
Usable prototype exist since 2010 year.

O siebie.
7 years im popularising Linux as home system, creating home repack (PC and notebooks)  for games, and home using with modified win32 support. Sometimes im writing letters. For example writting short video manuals and write documents, all without windows. even Virtualbox. Trying to answer questions in my VK group or my videochannel (subtitles on request).

For me Linux - is serious.

Creating stable, friendly to end-user ISO image Linux for home, for fast install on PC, even without internet. (Install once and use 5+ years).

Home users, small organizations without DE(desktop) dependencies, part of exist *nix users (Ubuntu etc).

What is already done?
Working prototype ISO (64bit), UEFI not supported, use Legacy mode.
Download here: (Default is Russian language, you must change language to English)
Release have some fixes, program replaces, additional files and drivers for better using.
Video of running games on this release and Linux mint how-tos
(you can write me questions on English, Polski or Russian.)
Full list of changes exists in every release.

Now i work with
Creating ISO image of Mint 18. Always failed at this moment. Still use 17.
Selecting proper kernels for most videodrivers, selecting drivers for inside ISO file.
My Howto's on videochannel subtitles to English.

You can get.
A fully work Linux based system with win32 programs and games support.
Able to load from USB/DVD/External HDD.

If you support me!
Just donate for continuing project! I Thank you for support.

Name in a list of sponsors.

Im creating disc (ISO) based on my work for your requirements and your program.
(no illegal games please)

I try to connect and donate to project, which is more than useful power tool for work with ISO images.
